Finance Committee


The Finance Committee exists to provide strategic oversight of Pullman School District's (PSD) budget and financial activities and to support sustainability, transparency, equity and communication of these matters to the School Board and to the community at large.  Committee discussions will provide an understanding of funding budget priorities, budget processes, and goals to better prepare our district for our future.


The membership of the Committee consists of two board members, both of whom are to be free of any relationship that would interfere with the exercise of independent judgment. Other participants at regular Committee meetings are the Superintendent, Finance Director and others who may present information sought by the Committee.


The Committee meets quarterly or as directed by its chair, the district’s Finance Director. As appropriate, the Committee will make recommendations to the School Board.


The Finance Committee recognizes it is critical to be good stewards of public funds by ensuring transparency, accountability, and efficiency in the District’s finances. The Finance Committee is designed to assist the board in fulfilling its fiscal oversight responsibilities and ensuring the public’s trust.  The Board may direct the Committee to review any matters potentially having a significant impact on District finances before the Board takes action. Specific responsibilities may include:

  1. Assist the District in educating the general public concerning school finance issues, including creating reader-friendly budget information.
  2. Review the District's annual audit and accompanying management letters, and submit any comments or recommendations to the Board.
  3. Review the annual budget, revenue and expenditure forecasts, and submit any recommendations to the Board.
  4. Review and make recommendations regarding long-term capital plans and financial strategies for major projects for the District. 
  5. Recommend transfers between funds for special projects.
  6. Provide input to the Board with respect to the undertaking of debt.
  7. Advise the Board of any local, state, and/or federal policies, legislation or developing trends which may impact district financial goals and priorities.
  8. Provide input on other issues identified by the Board.

Consistent with this function, the Finance Committee should encourage continuous improvement of and should foster adherence to the District's policies, procedures and practices at all levels.