Child Find

Who is Eligible?
All children ages 5-21 who are suspected of possibly having a disability and reside within the Pullman School District boundaries and are enrolled in public school or are being home-schooled, are enrolled in a private school located in the district (even if they reside in another district), or live in a temporary situation within the district boundaries.
Why does Pullman School District Offer Screenings?
Whether or not children are enrolled in the public school, the local school district is responsible to locate, evaluate, and identify children with a suspected disability who may be in need of special education and related services, regardless of the severity of the disability. The Pullman School District is responsible for children who are enrolled in a district school, home schooled children who reside in the district, students who attend a private school located in the district, and students living in a temporary situation within the district boundaries.
When are Screenings Performed?
Screenings are performed Friday mornings during the school year by appointment or any time a parent or teacher has a concern.
Schedule for 2024-2025
All screenings will be held at the Community Childcare Center/Head Start Building at 530 NW Larry Street, Pullman.
  • September 6
  • October 11
  • November 1
  • January 10
  • February 7
  • March 7
  • April 4
  • May 2
For more information or to schedule an appointment, please contact the Pullman School District Teaching & Learning department at (509) 332-3144 or [email protected].

Annual Notifications for Child Find

Pullman School District offers screening for district students, ages birth to 21, who may have a disability. The screening is completed by a team of professionals depending upon the needs of the student. If you have a concern about a student, please contact Paula Bates at the Pullman School District Instructional Programs Office, (509) 332-3144 or by email at

[email protected]

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